epa03293474 The upgrade version of medium range missile Shahab-1, is launched during the second day of military exercises, codenamed Great Prophet, by Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards at the Lut desert in southeastern Iran, 03 July 2012. Report said that on the second day of a military manoeuvre in the Lut desert in southeastern Iran, several missiles were successfully tested, without giving further details. The IRGC plans to test all of its short-, medium- and long-range missiles in the ongoing manoeuvre which took place one day after the European Union's latest oil sanctions against Tehran went into effect. EPA/Mojtaba Heydari
أعربت فرنسا، اليوم، عن قلقها تجاه التجارب الصاروخية التي أجرتها إيران السبت الماضي، معتبرة أن تجربة إيران الصاروخية «مستفزة وتزعزع استقرار المنطقة».